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The Best Time for a Safari in Tanzania

Choosing the Perfect Time for Your Tanzanian Safari

One of the primary inquiries from travelers is, ‘When is the best time for a safari in Tanzania?

The ideal period for your visit depends on personal preferences. Let’s explore the factors to consider in discovering your perfect season based on your tastes and travel interests.

Weather Considerations

Unlike destinations with traditional seasons, Tanzania’s proximity to the equator and the Indian Ocean results in equatorial and tropical weather patterns. The two distinct seasons are wet and dry, each offering its own advantages and disadvantages.

Tanzanian Seasons

January – March:

  • Typically the hottest period of the year, peaking in February.
  • Generally dry, making it a popular time for safaris.
  • Parks may feel crowded, especially around New Year.
  • Animals gather around rivers and lakes as other water sources diminish.
  • Tarangire National Park is particularly attractive during this time.

March – May (Long Rainy Season):

  • Characterized by nights and mornings of rain.
  • Afternoons are generally sunny, creating a lush and vibrant landscape.
  • Fewer tourists, with accommodations often offering discounts.
  • Some park roads may be impassable due to flooding or mud.
  • Guests may enjoy an intimate, secluded adventure in the rain, with active animals in lush forests.

June – September:

  • Referred to as the “cold” season, though weather remains pleasant.
  • Dry with pleasant afternoons, ideal for wildlife viewing.
  • High tourist season, especially for the Great Migration in Serengeti.
  • Chilly mornings, necessitating a jacket.

October – December:

  • Short rains may occur, with warming temperatures.
  • Jacaranda trees bloom in October, displaying purple flowers.
  • Christmas is a popular time for tourists.
  • Ideal weather in December, but parks and accommodations may feel busier.
Pros and Cons of Dry Season


  • Favorable weather.
  • Abundance of wildlife.
  • Classic African scenery with dry grasslands and animals around watering holes.
  • Ideal for family vacations or honeymoons.
  • Popular tourist time.


  • Parks may feel more crowded/busy.
  • Accommodations are full-price with no discounts.
  • Dust may be prevalent at the end of the dry season.
Pros and Cons of Rainy Season


  • Experience Africa in a new way with lush, green landscapes.
  • Photographers enjoy capturing wildlife during the rainy season.
  • Potential for low-season discounts.
  • Parks are less crowded, providing a sense of a private adventure.


  • Some park roads may be inaccessible.
  • Occasional wet days, but significant sun is typical.
  • Rain gear required for comfort.
  • Animals may be more dispersed during the rainy season.

The Great Migration

One of Tanzania’s major attractions is the Great Migration in Serengeti National Park, drawing tourists worldwide. This annual spectacle features colossal animal movements across the Grumeti River, making the Serengeti a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • Witness calving season in February, with thousands of baby wildebeests born daily.
  • March and April showcase herds congregating in Seronera, providing stunning photo opportunities.
  • May sees the herds moving northward, forming impressive columns.
  • July to early September offers the adrenaline-pumping Mara River crossing, a highlight of the Great Migration.

Best Time to Visit Tanzania

Any time of the year promises an amazing safari experience. Personal preferences guide the choice:

  • Wet season for a more intimate safari with fewer crowds.
  • October or November for vibrant tree colors.
  • July or August for witnessing the Mara River crossing during the dry season.

Tanzania’s wildlife and landscapes offer wonders every month. Select the time that aligns with your preferences, and get ready for an awe-inspiring journey through the natural beauty and captivating wildlife of this extraordinary country.

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