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Ruaha National Park



Ruaha National Park in the center of Tanzania takes its name from the Hehe word for ‘river.’ The eponymous Great Ruaha River serves as a lifeline for the park’s wildlife. Although it’s one of the largest national parks in the country and rich in wildlife, Ruaha is one of the least busy places to visit in Tanzania, so safaris here feel remote and exclusive.

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Details of Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park, located in central Tanzania, is the largest national park in the country, spanning over 20,000 square kilometers. This vast wilderness is celebrated for its pristine and diverse landscapes, offering a unique safari experience. The park is characterized by its expansive savannahs, miombo woodlands, and the flowing waters of the Great Ruaha River.

Ruaha is renowned for its rich biodiversity, hosting a wide variety of wildlife, including large populations of elephants, lions, giraffes, and an array of bird species. The Great Ruaha River serves as a lifeline for the park’s ecosystems, attracting diverse flora and fauna to its banks.

Unlike some more popular safari destinations, Ruaha National Park provides a more secluded and authentic experience, with fewer crowds and a genuine sense of wilderness. The park’s remote location adds to its allure, offering visitors the opportunity to explore vast landscapes and observe wildlife in a more natural setting.


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