Prime Kili

Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Protection of your personal information is very important to us. Therefore, we want you to understand our Privacy Policy and how it impacts you. If you have any questions about anything below, please contact us at for clarification

Personal information

Personal information is information that can be used to identify you. Such information normally includes your name, address, email, details about your health, travel itineraries, etc.

How we collect personal information

There are different ways for personal information to reach our company. Clients like you provide this information when speaking with our managers by phone, email, live chat on our website, or through other digital and traditional communication methods.

Additionally, your personal information may be provided to us by third parties such as travel agents, agencies, travel marketplaces, platforms, insurance providers, and individuals making a booking with us on your behalf.

Booking your travel with us

When booking your travel to Tanzania with Prime Kilimanjaro, whether directly or through our network of partnered travel agencies, marketplaces, and other professionals, you consent to us collecting, using, and sharing the following information with third parties such as accommodation providers, travel experience providers in Tanzania, and the Tanzania National Parks Authority:

  • Your passport details (name, age, nationality, and number)
  • Residency information
  • Email address and phone number, emergency contact number
  • Insurance details
  • Health and medical information
  • Meal preferences
  • Tour details (hotels and itinerary)
  • Payment information


Sometimes our adventures involve using third-party providers for accommodation, like hotels and lodges, and travel experiences, such as hot air ballooning in Serengeti. To arrange these parts of your adventure, we may need to share your personal information with these providers. For instance, our partnered hotels often require dietary and nutrition information to ensure excellent and safe service.

These third parties are only allowed to use your personal information to provide services related to your tour with Prime Kilimanjaro. By booking our adventure trips, you agree to these disclosures.

Additionally, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Recommending the most suitable travel products and ensuring they are safe and enjoyable for you.
  • Providing information about our travel products.
  • Offering customer care and support services and resolving any issues related to our travel products.
  • Ensuring the safety of our travel products for you.
  • Carrying out regular business administration tasks, such as accounting.
  • Ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations of Tanzania and other relevant countries.
Booking on behalf of other travellers
If you are making a booking with our company on behalf of another person (e.g.your travel companion or when our trip is a gift you are making), you should ensure that the person for whom a booking is made is made aware of this policy and our terms and conditions.
Medical information

We may share your medical and health related information with relevant medical personnel if necessary. Medical information is not shared with third-party providers of travel experiences or the government, except in cases where disclosure is crucial for your vital interests. You can choose not to provide us with your medical and health-related information, but it’s strongly recommended to ensure your safety during your experience with us.

Protection of your personal information

Our company takes reasonable technical and other measures to ensure that all types of personal information in our possession are stored safely and securely, and are not accessible to unauthorized parties. Only a limited number of our staff, typically a manager handling your booking and your trip leader, have access to your personal information.

We conduct regular audits of our website to identify and address any security holes or vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, we do not retain your personal information longer than necessary for the provision of our services.

Photo and Video

Sometimes your photo or video may be taken by a member of our staff, a professional photographer hired by us, or another traveler. Our professional photographers are instructed to always obtain permission before taking a photo. However, it’s advisable to inform your trip leader, photographer, and fellow trekkers in advance if you prefer not to be photographed.

Occasionally, we may assign a professional photographer to the group to capture promotional images for our website, printed brochures, and other publications. In such cases, we will ask for your written consent beforehand.

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