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Katavi National Park



The Katavi National Park offers the few visitors who make it there a taste of true wilderness with large wildlife herds such as buffaloes, elephants and hippos. Some of the attractions of Katavi National Park are Lake Katavi, the Katuma River and the Lake Chada floodplains.

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Details of Katavi National Park

Katavi National Park, located in the remote southwest of Tanzania, is a hidden gem that offers an authentic and off-the-beaten-path safari experience. Established in 1974 and covering an area of approximately 4,471 square kilometers, Katavi is renowned for its unspoiled wilderness and abundance of wildlife. The park features vast plains, seasonal lakes, and the Katuma River, which becomes a focal point during the dry season, attracting large concentrations of animals.

Katavi is celebrated for its remarkable elephant herds, buffalo herds, and an array of antelope species. The park is also home to predators such as lions and crocodiles, making wildlife viewing diverse and exciting. Due to its remote location, Katavi remains one of the least visited national parks in Tanzania, providing an exclusive and intimate safari experience for those seeking a more secluded encounter with nature. The park’s pristine landscapes and the opportunity to witness untamed wildlife make Katavi National Park a true wilderness destination for safari enthusiasts.

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