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Gombe Stream National Park


Gombe Stream

It’s a great place to see chimps up close and personal as many of the family groups are habituated to humans. With the possible exception of Mahale Mountains National Park , no other park in Africa can offer such a magnificent experience with chimpanzees.It is a park without roads, where you can walk and experience nature with all your senses. Although the chimpanzees are the park’s star attraction there are many other primates, and mammals. The birdlife is extraordinary, as there is a great crossover of East African grassland birds and West African forest species.

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Details of Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe Stream National Park, located in western Tanzania along the shores of Lake Tanganyika, is renowned as the site of Jane Goodall’s groundbreaking chimpanzee research. Established in 1968, the park spans approximately 56 square kilometers and is celebrated for its lush forests and diverse wildlife.

The primary focus of Gombe is its habituated chimpanzee population, allowing visitors a unique opportunity to observe these fascinating primates up close in their natural environment. In addition to chimpanzees, the park is home to red colobus monkeys, olive baboons, and a variety of bird species.

The rugged terrain and scenic beauty of Gombe, combined with its historical significance in primatology, make it a compelling destination for those interested in both wildlife conservation and the legacy of pioneering research in the animal kingdom.

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